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GA 8121

Product Description
Outstanding Versatility
Whether raking hay or straw, the GA 8121 twin-rotor rotary rake effectively handles difficult conditions. Even in intense use, the Masterdrive® gearbox provides superior reliability and durability. The working width on the GA 8121 ranges from 24’3” to 26’3”.The KUHN GA 8121 semi-mounted rotary rake effectively handles difficult conditions whether raking hay or straw. Its compact design enables easy maneuvering in and out of hard-to-access fields. This model is well suited for farm operations that bale large quantities of dry hay and are looking for larger working widths of 24'3" to 26'3".
The central-delivery rake design creates ideal windrows for round or large square balers, with windrow width adjustments from 4'7" to 6'6" to perfectly match the baler pickup heads. 3D rotor suspension allows the rotor to precisely follow field contours, providing the cleanest possible raking. Long flexible tines touch the crop just once, lifting and placing it neatly into the windrow. For crops such as alfalfa, this gentle handing, in conjunction with being able to rake when the hay is still damp, is especially beneficial as it ensures the leaves will remain intact. Fully enclosed, grease-filled Masterdrive® gearboxes have time-proven reliability and are practically maintenance free.
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