Home > 6422Q NexGrow Alfalfa
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6422Q Alfalfa-
Winner of the 2011 and 2012 World Forage Analysis Superbowl Commercial Hay Division-
Top quality forage for dairy
Outstanding winterhardiness in a full fall dormancy 4-
Fast recovery for multiple cut systems

Product Description
Knowing your geography, climate and preferred cutting schedule are crucial in selecting a proper alfalfa variety.
Growers seeking to maximize cuttings and those on a 26- to 30-day cutting schedule should opt for varieties with
higher fall dormancy ratings.
Higher fall dormancy varieties tend to green-up faster in the spring and continue growing later in the fall. This extra
growth period and proven NEXGROW® alfalfa genetics could make the difference when making one additional cutting.
For exceptional quality in a dormant conventional alfalfa variety, consider 6422Q, the 2012 Commercial Hay
Champion at the World Forage Analysis Superbowl.
“ This variety (6422Q) continues to live up to both our and our customers’ expectations, especially in terms of
quality. We operate in a 28-day cutting cycle, and expect our alfalfa to stand up to high traffic and green up
quickly after cutting. 6422Q excels in both aspects, coming back full of leaves the top of the stem.”
— David Hinman, NEXGROW® grower from Hardrock Farms in Wheatland, Wyo.
Yield Cuts 4+
Fall Growth Late Fall Dormancy
Stand Persistence Excellent
Early Seedling Growth Excellent
Drought Stress Very Good
Recovery After Cutting Very Fast
Forage Quality Excellent
Prices may very with treatment options. Price listed is the starting point. Additional cash, early pay, and volume discounts will apply. Please call for details or a quote.
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